
Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California – United States

Just east of California’s arid Death Valley in the Amargosa Range lies quiet, mysterious Zabriskie Point. It’s a beautiful erosional landscape made up of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake. Furnace Creek Lake dried up roughly 5 million years ago, long before Death Valley as we know it today even existed. All that remains of its once refreshing waters is the majestic work of art that is Zabriskie and the area surrounding it.

Nothing gives a person pause and reminds him of how small he is in the grand scheme of things quite like observing a place like Zabriskie Point in person. It’s miles of sere, lonely desert terrain beautifully rippled and dimpled by the passage of time. No two dips, valleys, or peaks you’ll see are alike, but each has its own tale to tell about the land that used to be, millions of years before anyone alive today was even born.

‘Echoing Desert’ was captured early in the morning on the day before New Year’s Eve. All was quiet and peaceful as the distant winter sun rose high in the sky, relieving the land of its lingering nighttime chill and accenting the terrain of the entire area with a fascinating patchwork of lights and shadows. The higher the sun rose, the more awake and alive the color palette of Zabriskie became. An endless expanse of pale, velvety yellows, peaches, and plums unfolded before my very eyes, accented perfectly by the cool paleness of an ice blue sky overhead.

The sight of Zabriskie in winter was impressive to behold, especially as it bloomed and changed as the sun rose that day. On a day like that, it’s easy to believe that if you sit still enough and listen intently enough, you can hear the echo of a time long gone, dancing through the air like strange music.


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