
Oak Beach, Port Douglas, Queensland – Australia

When you’re a photographer, it becomes second nature to look at everything through two sets of eyes. You’re always on the lookout for scenes that you know will photograph beautifully and mentally filing them away as possibilities to return to when the right conditions present themselves – conditions that you know will fully unlock the poetry, magic, and potential of the location in the most wonderful way. However, Mother Nature can sometimes surprise you even when you think you know what to expect.

Elysium was taken at Oak Beach near Queensland’s Port Douglas. I’d scouted this spot the previous day while crossing a small creek, knowing it would come alive on film at sunrise. However, when I returned the next morning, the babbling creek had bloomed into a deep channel that presented an impassable obstacle. This shot is the serendipitous view from a secluded spot on the other side of the location, a lavender-rose sunrise poignantly captured in a way that couldn’t have occurred if the morning had gone exactly as planned.


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