
Hooker Valley, Mount Cook National Park, Canterbury – New Zealand

If there’s one thing I’ve found to be absolutely true in life, it’s that perseverance and patience really are personal qualities to be appreciated. There have been so many opportunities – so many truly life-changing moments and astonishing sights – I would have missed had I been too impatient to not only try, try again, but keep my eyes open in search of alternative ways to accomplish something important.

This shot of Canterbury’s Hooker Valley in Mount Cook National Park is a perfect example. I’d already tried to accurately capture the renowned majesty of Hooker Lake previously that day and hadn’t quiet been able to achieve the right vantage point. Then on my way back, I spotted a sprawling boardwalk complete with numerous suspension bridges that was located just perfectly. The winter air was chilly and crisp as the valley sprawled gracefully in front of me, perfectly framing the frosted peaks behind. It was like they were welcoming me to their peaceful little part of the world.


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