Aminty Point, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland – Australia
There’s nothing like a sunset over the water to make you marvel at the boundless beauty of this wonderful planet we live on. The colours are so true and pure at that particular time of day. The air is so still. It always feels as if an otherworldly concert of the most amazing kind is about to begin. A hush falls over the world. Every creature pauses, listens, and watches as the symphony tunes its instruments. Grab your places! Another show is about to begin.
This piece was shot on a whim one day as I passed this pier on North Stradbroke Island. To this day, I have no idea if it was located on private property or not. However, I knew I had to capture the scene regardless. The sea was a gossamer carpet of the finest lilac while the sky dusted it in gentle shades of strawberry, peach, and dusty lavender. A lone onlooker stopped to marvel at the sight, providing the perfect focal point to a most peaceful scene.
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